21 балл! Срочно! 1 Выделите сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и...

+480 голосов
800k просмотров

21 балл! Срочно! 1 Выделите сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и укажите инфинитив: 1 When I left home, a strong wind was blowing. 2 I have been looking for my keys for two hours already. 3 The day was wet. By the time I reached home my raincoat had been all wet. 4 They speak English very well. 5 Did you go to the cinema yesterday? 2 Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Past Indefinite: 1 Last night the concert (finish) at midnight. 2 I (start) to learn English five years ago. 3 When you (meet) Jane? 4 When Fred (give) you this ring? 5 When I was at school I (like) history. 3 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect: 1 - Have you got any money? -Yes, I (to borrow) it from my brother. 2 We (not to have) a holiday last year. 3 - Where is Jane? - She (to go) to the shop. She'll be back soon. 4 My husband (to work) in the bank three years ago. 5 Jill (not to be) there for three years. 4 Раскройте скобки, выбрав Present Indefinite или Present Continuous: 1 You (learn) English now. 2 Tom (read) the newspaper every morning on the train. 3 Our cousins (come) to see us next Sunday. 4 Every day the students (to attend) lectures and seminars. 5 Look at these children! They (to skate) very well.

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 800k просмотров
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+95 голосов

1 When I left (past simple) home, a strong wind was blowing(past cont).

2 I have been looking(present perfect cont) for my keys for two hours already.

3 The day was (past simple) wet. By the time I reached(past simple) home my raincoat had been all wet.

4 They speak(presebt simple tense) English very well.

5 Did you go(past cont) to the cinema yesterday?

1 Last night the concert finished at midnight.

2I started to learn English five years ago.

3When did  you meet Jane?

4When did  Fred give you this ring?

5When I was at school I liked history

1 - Have you got any money? -Yes, I have  borrowed it from my brother.

2 We did not have a holiday last year.

3 - Where is Jane? - She has gone to the shop. She'll be back soon.

4 My husband worked in the bank three years ago.

5 Jill has not to be there for three years.

4 Раскройте скобки, выбрав Present Indefinite или Present Continuous:

1 You are learning English now.

2 Tom reads the newspaper every morning on the train.

3 Our cousins are coming to see us next Sunday.

4 Every day the students attend lectures and seminars.

5 Look at these children! They are skating very well