Выберите правильный вариант А,В,С. 1) Mary usually …………….……. books at 7 o’clock in the...

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Выберите правильный вариант А,В,С. 1) Mary usually …………….……. books at 7 o’clock in the eveninga) is reading; b) has read; c) reads2) Ann …………….……. to Paris in 2012.a) has moved; b) moved; c) moves3) You …………….……. cross the street without looking firsta) mustn’t; b) don’t have to; c) couldn’t4) He …………….……. his car a month ago.a) has bought; b) bought; c) buys5) Mum …………….……. while Dad was digging in the gardena) cooks; b) is cooking; c) was cooking 6) …………….……. you lend me some money?a) Could; b) must; c) should7) Look at him! He …………….……. across the street.a) runs; b) is running; c) ran8) I haven’t got …………….……. breada) many; b) much; c) a lot of9) He …………….……. to work since Mondaya) won’t come; b) didn’t come; c) hasn’t come10) I promise I …………….……. you a new sweatera) am going to buy; b) bought; c) will buy 11)There are a lot of clouds in the sky! It ……………….. to rain!a) is going; b) has being gone; c) goes12) I have not read this book …………………………a) already; b) yet; c) so far13) Tom …………………….. in this factory.a) is working; b) work; c) works14) She …………………..her homework so far.a) has done; b) did; c) does15) If you ……………….. to buy this flat, you need to save money!a) are wanting; b) want; c) will want16) Listen! Someone …………………………….outdoors!a) is singing; b) sing; c) sings17) What …………………………….to do this weekend?a) you are going; b) are you going; c) do you18) It is ……………… song, I’ ve ever listened!a) good; b) better; c) the best19) This car is …………………. than that onea) expensive; b) expensiver; c) more expensive20) This task is ………………. than the previous one.a) easy; b) easier; c) more easy

Английский язык | 4.2m просмотров
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+139 голосов

1) reads

2) moved

3) musn’t

4) bought

5) was cooking

6) could

7) is running

8) much

9) hasn’t come

10) will buy

11) is going

12) yet

13) works

14) does

15) want

16) is singing

17) are you doing

18) the best

19) more expensive

20) easier

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