1.1. Выберите правильные формы для глагола "делать". Infinitive Past Simple Past...

+480 голосов
3.8m просмотров

1.1. Выберите правильные формы для глагола "делать". Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle (Баллов: 1) make mode made make made made make made make make made maden 2.Укажите правильную форму Past Participle глагола "читать" (Баллов: 1) reed road readn read 3.Образуйте верную форму множественного числа существительного tomato. (Баллов: 1) tomatos tomats tomatoes tomatas 4. Множественное число какого из существительных образовано неправильно? (Баллов: 1) men books moneys prices 5.В каком из примеров приведено существительное в единственном числе? (Баллов: 1) kids manager centra handles 6.Какое существительное образует множественное число при помощи bpvtytyyjuj rjhyz? (Баллов: 1) sheep deer swine goose 7. Укажите существительное с одинаковой формой единственного и множественного числа. (Баллов: 1) fish sleep penny foot 8.Какое существительное в английском языке употребляется как в единственном, так и во множественном числе? (Баллов: 1) gates socks scissors trousers 9.The other day we … this woman at the library . She was busy reading on a old newspaper. (Баллов: 1) meethave met is meeting met 10.My student … test by the time I appeared. (Баллов: 1) are not make had made were not make had not made 11.Last semester our students … the competition. . (Баллов: 1) were taking part in took part in are taking part inhave taken part in 12.It … his first test that day. He … at the University many times. (Баллов: 1) wasn’t/ had already been are not/ is already was not/ was already is/ been already 13.….I started talking, they interrupted me. (Баллов: 1) when if than that 14.Once upon a time there … a old man together with his wife . (Баллов: 1) has lived lived are living is living 15.Children went home after it … raining. (Баллов: 1) have stopp stoppt had stopped was stopp 16. … your friend … the text before I turned up? (Баллов: 1) did/ readn have/ read had/read did/ reed 17. Where _____ on Sunday? (Баллов: 1) is he go does he going does he go he goes 18._____ lots of rules every day. (Баллов: 1) will memorize memorize am memorizing are going to memorize 19.They _____ to the University next Monday. (Баллов: 1) went are going goes go 20._____ to visit your family? (Баллов: 1) Are you want Are you wanting Do you want Will you want 21.Every morning he _____ at 7.30. (Баллов: 1) got up get up gets up is getting up 22.I’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I _____ test. (Баллов: 1) will prepare prepared am preparing prepare 23.In UK people _____ on the right. (Баллов: 1) were driving drive drived drove 24.What _____ in your free time? (Баллов: 1) you read are you read do you read are you reading 25.Ann’s a nurse but she _____ a uniform. doesn’t wear isn’t wearing no wear wears 26.Oh, someone _____ in my flat! (Баллов: 1) will live liveis living lived 27.I don`t think it will be easy for Ann to give up the habit of ..., but he should do it. (Баллов: 1) reading read readed to read 28.If the text were shorter, I would ... it quickly. (Баллов: 1) had finished finished finish be finishing 29.I wish I could speak German like ... German. (Баллов: 1) the an a some

Английский язык (19 баллов) | 3.8m просмотров
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+145 голосов
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1.1. make made made

2. read

3. tomatoes

4. moneys

5. manager

6. goose

7. fish

8. gates /socks

9. met

10. had made

11. took part in

12.wasn’t/ had already been

13. when

14. lived

15. had stopped

16. had/read

17. does he go

18. memorize

19. are going

20. Do you want

21. gets up

22. am preparing

23. drive

24. do you read

25. doesn’t wear

26. is living

27. reading

28. finish

29. the

(92.7k баллов)