хоть что нибудь I. Fill in the gaps in the text with the phrases below: Is (1) … used in...

+502 голосов
2.8m просмотров

хоть что нибудь I. Fill in the gaps in the text with the phrases below: Is (1) … used in every home? Everyone will answer (2) … on this question. But you will certainly agree that (3) … can somehow spoil (испортить) people’s real life. I think the internet (4) … can’t replace (5) … relationships. communication, positively, computerizing, real, the internet II. Arrange the words into sentences: 1. through, every, “Odnoklassniki”, I, day, browse. 2. be, at, prices, domain, sold, names, can, high. 3. are, goods, online, lots, shopped, of. 4. is, e-trade, convenient, very. 5. goods, the, she, internet, sells, via. III. Make the sentences negative: 1. People’s life has been changed by the internet. 2. He paid cash to the delivery man. 3. This site is often visited. 4. The money was withdrawn two hours ago. 5. They bought the domain name 2 years ago. IV. Ask special questions to the underlined words: 1. Every year a new gadget is invented. (What) 2. This domain will have been bought by the 1-st of March. (When) 3. Rostelecom has been my internet provider for 5 years. (How long) V. Translate the dialogue into English: - Ты играешь в компьютерные игры? - Последнее время очень редко. Я думаю, это удел школьников-мальчишек. У них времени хоть отбавляй. - Думаю, это не совсем так. Статистика говорит, что средний игрок намного старше – около тридцати или выше. Да и женщины все чаще вовлекаются тоже. - А ты играешь? - Когда?!

Английский язык | 2.8m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+142 голосов



1. the internet

2. positively

3. computerising

4. communication

5. real


1. I browse through the Odnoklassniki every day.

2. Domain names can be sold at high prices.

3. Lots of goods are shipped online.

4. E- trade is very convenient.

5. She sells goods via the internet.


1. People's life hasn't been changed by the internet.

2. He didn't pay cash to the delivery man.

3. This site isn't often visited.

4. The money wasn't withdrawn two hours ago.

5. They didn't buy the domain 2 years ago.


1. What is invented every year?

2. When will this domain have been bought?

3. How long has Rostelecom been my internet provider?


- Do you play computer games?

- Rarely, lately. I think it's good for

schoolboys. They have more than

enough time.

- I think that's not quite true. According to statistics an average player is much older than thirty or more. Women are more often involved, too.

- Do you play?

- When?!


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