Помогите пожалуйста с ответами... 1. I’ve cleaned all the parts, but the motor …...

+154 голосов
5.3m просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста с ответами... 1. I’ve cleaned all the parts, but the motor … doesn’t work. * • At last • Now • Always • Still 2. Sorry I’m late, but I had a lot of … to do. • Job • Work • Task • Labor 3. It doesn’t .... if we arrive a bit late • Mind • Matter • Care 4. They .... a lot of money in the Lottery. • Won • Earned • Bought 5. The faster you drive, the … gas you use. • Most • Additional • More expensive • More 6. Have you … up with an answer yet? • Made • Think • Come • Found 7. We need a person who is capable … dealing with escalations from customers. • For • Of • About • With 8. The factory produces electrical goods, … food mixers and other kitchen appliances. • As • Related to • In addiction to • Such as 9. ..... me to take an umbrella when I leave • Remind • Memorize • Remember 10. Let’s arrange a call so that we can … the action items in detail. • Argue • Agree • Discuss • Talk 11. We are .... some visitors this weekend • Expecting • Hoping • Waiting

Английский язык | 5.3m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+51 голосов

1) still

2) work

3) matter

4) won

5) more

6) made

7) about

8) in addition to

9) Remember

10) discuss

11) waiting

(45 баллов)