Көмек керек өтініш тезірек!! Срочно!!!

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Көмек керек өтініш тезірек!! Срочно!!!

Английский язык | 201k просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+157 голосов

1 Read the text and tick A, B, or C.

Living in London

Read about three young people who are living in London.

Cathy O'Brien is 26 years old and she's from Ireland. Right now, she's living in a flat in north London and she has a job in a shop. She doesn't like her job, but she needs the money. When the weather is good, Kathy sings and plays her guitar in Hyde Park. She is very good and lots of people stop and listen to her. Kathy goes to a lot of auditions because she wants to be a professional singer one day. She's also using her laptop to make a CD of her songs to send to all the music companies in London.

Marc Dubois from Switzerland is 19 and he's studying computing at the University of London. He has classes during the week, and he works in an Italian restaurant at the

weekend. At the moment Marc's living in a flat near the university, but he's looking for another place to live. His flat is nice, and from his room he can see the River Thames. However, it's expensive. Marc thinks London is a great place but he doesn't like the cold winter days. Luckily, there are lots of things that people can do here when it's raining!

Jamie Chandler is 27 and he's from Australia. He's travelling around the world, but now he's in London. He's working as a London guide. Jamie's mum is Japanese, so he speaks Japanese well. When he's working Jamie takes groups of Japanese visitors around London to see the famous monuments. They always take lots of photos! Jamie also works as a cook in a restaurant in the evening - it's in the centre of London and musicians also play there every night.

Example: Kathy, Marc, and Jamie are from London.

A True B FalseV C Doesn't say

I Kathy doesn't need to work.

A True B FalseV C Doesn't say

2 She sometimes sings and plays her guitar in the park.

A TrueV B False C Doesn't say

3 She is a professional singer.

A True B FalseV C Doesn't say

4 Marc's flat isn't far from his university.

A TrueV B False C Doesn't say

5 Marc doesn't like Italian food.

A True B False C Doesn't sayV

6 He thinks London weather is great.

A True B FalseV C Doesn't say

7 Jamie can't speak a foreign language.

A True B FalseV C Doesn't say

8 He meets lots of Japanese people in his job.

A TrueV B False C Doesn't say

9 He likes the music in the restaurant.

A True B False C Doesn't sayV

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