Нужна помощь с английским срочно!

+618 голосов
2.4m просмотров

Нужна помощь с английским срочно!

Английский язык | 2.4m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+167 голосов


1. We've had our new flat for six months

2. Hi Jackie! How are you? I haven't seen you for ages!

3. How long have you known your husband?

4. Emily has been a volunteer for ten years   .

5. Paul hasn't eaten anything since yesterday because he's ill

6. It has't rained for two months

7. How long have your parents been married?

8. They've had their dog since they got married

9. I haven't had any emails from my brother since last Christmas.

10. My grandmother has lived in the same house all her life.


1. We've known each other since we were children.

2. The children have been playing computer games for two hours.

3. Has your sister had that hairstyle for a long time?

4. I've loved her since the first day we met.

5. My internet connection hasn't worked since yesterday.

6. How long have you been waiting?

7. I've been a teacher for three years.

8. It's been snowing since five o'clock this morning.

9. Sam hasn't studied enough recently.

10. Have you lived in london for a long time?

(147k баллов)