Проверьте, пожалуйста, предложения! 1) Dad has a number of jobs in the last few years. 2)...

+128 голосов
3.4m просмотров

Проверьте, пожалуйста, предложения! 1) Dad has a number of jobs in the last few years. 2) Our daughter has been wearing lipstick since she was sixteen. 3) She is angry because her boyfriend has not shown up yet and she has been waiting for half an hour. 4) I'm still waiting for an answer. They have not made up their mind yet.

Английский язык | 3.4m просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
+43 голосов


Всё правильно, кроме первого.

Я думаю, что с конструкцией "in the last few years" лучше подойдёт Present Perfect.

1) Dad has had a number of jobs in the last few years

*Заметьте: has - вспомогательный глагол для 3 л. ед. ч. в Present Perfect, а had - форма Past Participle

(1.6k баллов)
+70 голосов


Dad has a number of jobs in the last few years. 2) Our daughter has been wearing lipstick since she was sixteen. 3) She is angry because her boyfriend has not shown up yet, and she has been waiting for half an hour. 4) I'm still waiting for an answer. They have not made up their mind yet.

Объяснение:всё правильно, я выделил вашу ошибку полужирным шрифтом(вы забыли поставить запятую)

P.S если не сложо, можно пожалуйста поставить мне лучший ответ?

(147k баллов)