Ben and Libby are going to-ireland on holiday. Complete the story. Use the present...

+573 голосов
5.5m просмотров

Ben and Libby are going to-ireland on holiday. Complete the story. Use the present perfect form of the verb in brackets. Помогите пожалуйста, ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО НУЖНО!! ​

Английский язык | 5.5m просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
+62 голосов

1. They have packed their suitcases.

2. They have caught a bus to the airport but it has stopped .Sorry, the bus has broke down.

3. Their plane has just taken off. Oh no. We have missed our plane.

4. 24 Hours later the plane has landed in Dublin. Can I see your passports, please? Sorry I have dropped my bag.

5. It has begun to rain. Oh no I have left my coat at home.

6. They have got to the hotel. We have reserved a room. Sorry I can't find it

(70 баллов)
+174 голосов


They have packed their suitcases.

They have caught a bus to the airport. But it has stopped. Sorry, the bus has broken down. Their plane has just taken off. Oh,no. We have missed our plane. 24 hours later... The plane has landed in Dublin. It has begun to rain. They have got to the hotel. Can I see your passports,please? Sorry, I have dropped my bag. Oh, no. I have left my coat at home! We have reserved a room. Sorry, I can't find it.


Построение Present Perfect:


I/you/we/they+ have+ V3( глагол третья колонка )/ed

he/she/it +has + V3( глагол третья колонка)/ed


Has+ he/she/it+V3/ed?

Have+ I/you/we/they+V3/ed


He/she/it+ has not or (или) hasn't+V3/ed.

I/you/we/they+have not or(или) hasn't+V3/ed.