Прочтите текст А. Выпишите а) прилагательные с суффиксами -ic, -al; б) наречия с суффиксом -1у; в) словосочетания, состоящие из двух существительных, где одно существительное определяет другое, и переведите их:
Every year many young people who really care for medicine enter medical institutes and become students. A new life begins - it is the life of the adult who has the responsibility for all his actions before the society.
Some students live at the hostels, others - with their relatives. Many students get scholarships. If a student has excellent marks in all the subjects at the entrance examinations he gets an increased scholarship.
The students work much in class, at the institute laboratories and libraries. If the students want to become not ordinary but good doctors, they must pay attention to modern medical literature. It means that they must study not only their textbooks but read many special medical articles in the Russian and foreign languages