Kind - unkind - cruel
Loyal - disloyal - faithless
Reliable - unreliable - fraudulent
Responsible - irresponsible - innocent
Obedient - disobedient - rebellious
Self-confident - unself-confident - humble
Sensible - senseless - ignorant
Sensitive - ___ - calm
Dependent - independent - free
Mature - immature - young
Polite - impolite - rude
Patient - impatient - wild
Quiet - ___ - loud
Sociable - unsociable - aloof
Selfish - unselfish - caring
Tolerant - intolerant - mean
Rebellious - difficult to control...
Sociable - like to meet and ...
Selfish - only thinks of their own advantage
Sensible - having or using good judgment
Arrogant - unpleasantly proud ...
Generous - willing to give money, help ...
Honest - truthful or..
Obedient - doing or willing to do what you have been ...
Sensitive - easily upset by ...
Immature - not behaving in a way ...
Loyal - always giving help and encouragement