Tiny - крошечный
At the time we were doing this small tour of tiny venues around the UK for hardcore fans.
delicious - восхитительный, вкусный, приятный
Now that's actually really good for your voice and it tastes absolutely delicious .
huge - огромный, гигантский
That wasn't really all that important to a huge portion of NBA fans.
terrified - ужас, напуганный, запуганный
Samsung was terrified that Apple would be the first to release a SmartWatch, so it rushed to market with the Galaxy Gear .
exhausted - измученный, исчерпанный
Forest fires flared up again in Portugal just hours after 27 infernos were declared extinguished by more than 3,600 exhausted firefighters.
ancient - древний, старый
I am proud to belong to this ancient land.
filthy - грязный
Last Monday, after a west wind, the sea was filthy dirty.
fascinating - очаровательный, увлекательный
This is a fascinating book and well worth a read, especially to anyone living in Russia.