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сделайте пожалуйста 2 номера по тексту, перевод текста (фото №2)материал взят из учебника HAPPY ENGLISH 8 КЛАСС, ЗАДАНИЯ НАХОДЯТСЯ НА СТРАНИЦЕ 192

Английский язык | 49 просмотров
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We are the guards of Lia Fail. Lia Fail is the meaning of our life. In 840 the King of the Scots and Picts, Kenneth MacAlpine, put a big stone on top of Moot Hill in Scone. It was not a simple stone: when the rightful king sat on it, the stone cried and sang. Ordinary people didn't hear the voice of the stone, but we, the children of this land and mountains, we, the Druids, heard it as clearly as other people hear the sound of the wind. At that time the words of the ancient family oath were heard for the first time: "I am from the Clan MacWizard. By earth and water, wind and fire I swear that I'll give my life to protect Lia Fail. No wrong man will ever rule my country. Let the prophecy come true! Fight for the ring! Fight with the ring! Fight in the ring!"

(285 баллов)

"A man like Bruce doesn't need my help," I thought and was going to run away when I heard Bruce's voice. "Help, please, don't leave me, boy," he whispered. "I'm wounded." I couldn't leave anybody to die even the two-faced Bruce, who deserved it. I took Bruce to our little cottage, put him by the fire and gave him some medicine. When he got better, he offered me a reward for my help. I didn't want to take anything from him, but suddenly I saw a big golden ring on his finger.


It had Celtic snakes on and was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "I want your ring," I said. Bruce's face darkened: "This ring is my greatest treasure. I got it from my father and he got it from his grandmother Isobel. The family legend says that she was the daughter of Robin Hood.


" "Well, then keep the ring and forget your promise," I laughed. "Don't worry, you've broken more important promises in your life." Bruce took the ring off his finger and gave it to me. "You are right boy, a promise is a promise," he sighed as usual.
In the evening Dorell came home and saw our guest. To my surprise he didn't shout at me.


For a moment I even thought he was glad to see Bruce. Unfortunately, Dorell sent me out of the house for the whole night. The next day was 25 March a date I'll never forget.


Dorell called me early that morning. "Get ready for the coronation ceremony," he said. "We don't have Lia Fail anymore, so the Mac Wizards, have to come to the ceremony and declare Robert the Bruce our new king." I said nothing: it's useless to argue with Dorell the Druid, the head of our clan.


I didn't love him before but then I really hated him. Dorell was going to give the crown of Scotland to the murderer who had killed the other claimant to the throne. He had chosen the man who had betrayed William Wallace to be our king!
Everybody knows the story. .


Ten years ago there was hope for Scotland. Our leader was a brave, noble man called William Wallace. He wasn't afraid of the English and started a rebellion against them. Wallace got support from all the Scots. They left their villages and went to fight for freedom.


In the end Dorell stepped forward and greeted Bruce in Gaelic: "Hail Robert, son of Robert, son of Robert..." and named all his ancestors back to the legendary Scota, the daughter of a pharaoh.