There are many types of cats. There are 63 types of different cats. More than half of them are invented in U.S. In Russia, we have invented two types: Siberian and St. Petersburg's Mascarade cat. Nowadays, cats with no fur are really popular. It is known, what cats with three colours are only females.
Cats love to eat. Their favourite foods are mice, moles and rats. Kitikat and Wiskas are no good to cat's health because they cause liver damage.
First domestic cats were in Egypt. Egyptians believed what cats were holy animals and if anyone did any sort of harm to them, they would be put in jail.
Now, cats are wellknown domestic animals, loved by their masters. Cats spend about 60 percent of their lifes sleeping!!!
Cats are loved, but they would always spend a lot of time alone outdoors, hunting and searching for pray.