Помогите, пожалуйста, вставить артикль=)1.Has ... postman come yet? I am expecting ......

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1.Has ...
postman come yet? I am expecting ... letter from my friend. 2. My brother can
drive ... car.3. I got ... interesting book from our library.3. l got … interesting book from our library. …
librarian said that l could keep it only for … week as … teacher of History
also wanted it . 4. How can you say such … things? 5. There is … meeting in …
conference hall this evening . 6. When …
Moon … passes between … Earth and … Sun, … eclipse results . 7. There is … red
book and … green book on … table in … study. Will you bring me … green one,
please? 8. Can you tell me how to get to … cinema? Go straight down … street
until you come to … river. Then turn to … left and you will see … large red
building. That is … museum. 9. He brought … books from … library. 10. l know …
schoolboys of that school. 11. l want to write … letter to my mother. Have you …
pen? 12. How brilliantly … stars shine! 13. … low stone wall separated … house
from … road. 14. He asked … teacher … question. 15. He received … telegram from
London yesterday. 16. Are there … pictures in this magazine? 17. He is reading
‘’Oliver Twist’’ ? … novel by Charles Dickens. 18. … door opened and … man
entered … room. He was … man of about 50
years of age. 19. … lion is … large powerful animal. 20. There are many schools
for … blind in our country.

Английский язык (17 баллов) | 106 просмотров
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1. Has THE postman come yet? I am expecting A letter from my friend. 2. My brother can drive A car. 3. l got AN interesting book from our library. THE librarian said that l could keep it only for A week as THE teacher of History also wanted it . 4. How can you say such - things? 5. There is A meeting in THE conference hall this evening . 6. When THE Moon passes between THE Earth and THE Sun, AN eclipse results . 7. There is A red book and A green book on THE table in THE study. Will you bring me THE green one, please? 8. Can you tell me how to get to THE cinema? Go straight down THE street until you come to THE river. Then turn to THE left and you will see A large red building. That is A museum. 9. He brought _ books from THE library. 10. l know THE schoolboys of that school. 11. l want to write A letter to my mother. Have you got A pen? 12. How brilliantly THE stars shine! 13. A low stone wall separated THE house from THE road. 14. He asked THE teacher A question. 15. He received A telegram from London yesterday. 16. Are there _ pictures in this magazine? 17. He is reading ‘’Oliver Twist’’? A novel by Charles Dickens. 18. THE door opened and A man entered THE room. He was A man of about 50 years of age. 19. THE lion is A large powerful animal. 20. There are many schools for THE blind in our country.
(92.7k баллов)