Написать сочинение о любой фильм (Кто снимался, главные герои, сюжет и та далее ...)

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Написать сочинение о любой фильм (Кто снимался, главные герои, сюжет и та далее ...)

Английский язык (29 баллов) | 139 просмотров

I like watching vampire diaries. This film my favorite, because I love horror films. Vampires drink blood, and it is amazing. They kill people and it is very cruel. But I like that they are immortal and very beautiful. I advise everyone to watch the film The Vampire Diaries.There are good vampires who do not kill people and bad. The main characters of a girl and two guys, they were brothers. Male vampires, they both vlyublyayutsya the same girl, but she's human.


Мне нравится фильм дневники вампира. Этот фильм мой любимый, потому что я люблю ужастики. Вампиры пьют кровь и это удивительно. Они убивают людей и это очень жестоко. Но Но мне нравится,что они бессмертны и очень красивы. Я всем советую посмотреть фильм дневники вампира.В дневниках вампира есть и хорошие вампиры, которые не убивают людей,а есть и плохие. Главные герои девушка и два парня, они братьями. Парни вампиры, они оба влюбляются в одну девушку, но она человек...

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А сколько предложений должно быть?

(84 баллов)

My Favourite Movie
My name is..... I am .... years old. I would like to tell you a few words about my favourite movie. I like watching movies very much, especially at the cinema. I can say that I’m a cinemagoer. Every time new film comes out me and my friends go to watch it. The nearest cinema is at the mall. It’s a brand new building with comfortable halls. We’ve watched many films that I enjoyed but my favourite was one Russian film called “Elki”.


It’s a bright New Year comedy, which consists of two parts: “Elki-1” and “Elki-2”. The first movie appeared a year ago and the second one appeared on screens this year. I liked both films because they were excellent. The title “Elki” translated into English means fir-trees. Traditionally, all Russian families decorate fir-trees on the New Year’s Eve. The biggest fir-tree is put up in Moscow on Red Square. The film shows how families in different cities of the country get ready for the New Year


Some people even get into troublesome but funny situations. There are lots of characters in the movie who find love and friendship. I liked this film very much because there were many kind and positive moments. There were also some of my favourite actors, such as Ivan Urgant, Sergey Svetlakov, Gosha Kutsenko and others. If you haven’t seen this film yet, I recommend it.


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Меня зовут..... Мне ....лет. Я хотела бы рассказать Вам немного о своём любимом фильме. Я очень люблю смотреть фильмы, особенно в кинотеатре. Могу сказать, что я частый посетитель кино. Каждый раз, как выходит новый фильм, мы с друзьями идём его смотреть. Ближайший кинотеатр находится в торговом центре. Это совсем новое здание с комфортными залами. Мы посмотрели много фильмов, которые мне понравились, но мой любимый, это российский фильм под названием «Ёлки».


Это яркая новогодняя комедия, состоящая из двух частей: «Ёлки-1» и «Ёлки-2». Первый фильм появился год назад, а второй появился на экранах в этом году. Мне понравились оба фильма, потому что они были отличные. Название «Ёлки» переводится на английский как fir-trees. Традиционно, все российские семьи украшают ёлки в канун Нового Года. Самая большая ёлка возводится в Москве на Красной площади. Фильм показывает, как семьи в различных городах страны готовятся к празднованию Нового Года.

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The one of the most magnificent films of our century is "Knockin' on Heaven's door". It's a 1997 German criminal comedy, which is not a comedy in fact. "Knockin' on Heaven's door" was directed by Thomas Jahn, starring Til Schweiger, Moritz Bleibtreu, Jan Josef Liefers and Rutger Hauer. Its name derives from the Bob Dylan song which is also on the film's soundtrack. It was entered into the 20th Moscow International Film Festival where Til Schweiger won the Silver St. George for Best Actor.
Two patients (Martin Brest and Rudi Wurlitzer) meet in a hospital, just after learning about that both have untreatable disease. They start talking about their death that is come very soon. When they find a bottle of tequila, Martin finds out that Rudi has never seen the ocean. Martin tells Rudi that all they talk about in Heaven is how beautiful the ocean is.
Drunk and still in their pyjamas, they steal a baby blue Mercedes-Benz W113 classic roadster and go for their last mission, to see the ocean. The car belongs to a crime boss. They rob several small shops, only to find that there is a million in cash in the trunk of their car.
As they progress closer to their goal police along with gangsters start the hot pursuit. Eventually, the two friends find themselves trapped in the middle of a countryside road by police units on one side and gangsters on the other, pointing their guns at each other. The stand-off finally erupts into a big shoot-out while the two make a desperate escape though the corn field. After that, Martin buys a pink Cadillac of the same model as the one which Elvis Presley presented to his mother. His wish is to give the same present to his own mother. As he fulfills the wish, they get ambushed by police near Martin's mother's house. Martin pretends to have a seizure and falls on the ground. He is taken to the hospital in an ambulance with Rudi sitting by his side. En route, Martin and Rudi hijack the vehicle to continue their quest. On the way to the ocean they stop by a brothel, where Rudi wants to fulfil his wish to have sex with two women at the same time. By coincidence, the brothel is owned by the boss whose money they had found in the car they have stolen at the beginning of the journey. They are seen by the two gangsters who were after them throughout their journey. The gangsters take Rudi and Martin to their boss who asks them for money they should return. Martin says that the money was spent and sent to various people which drives the criminal boss insane. Enraged, the boss points a gun at them ready to shoot, but Curtiz, the most influential criminal to whom the money was meant to be delivered, comes in. After a short talk he says “Then you better run, before you run out of time”. The capo goes on talking about that in heaven everybody would be talking about the ocean. Curtiz spares their lives and lets them go.
The film ends as Martin and Rudi arrive at the ocean’s shore. They walk to the sandy beach and Martin falls dead on the ground. Rudi imperturbably sits down beside his friend, facing the ocean and watching the surf.

(698 баллов)

"- You stand on the beach and taste the salty smell of the wind that comes from the ocean, and inside you feel the warmth of never ending freedom, and on your lips the bitter, tear-soaked kiss of your lover. - I have never been to the ocean. - That can’t be true! You have never ever been to the ocean? - Never - ever! - Both of us are knocking on heavens door, drinking tequila, we are biting-the-dust experts - and you


have never - ever been to the ocean! - Never - ever! - Don’t you know how it is when you arrive in heaven? In heaven that’s all they talk about - the ocean - and how wonderful it is.