1).Выберите подходящий вариант.В ответе запишите только буквы.
1)Henry Longfellow was a(an)_______ poet.a)English; b)American; c) Canadian;d) Australian.
2) What river does London stand on?a)The Severn; b)The Avon; c)The Clyde; d) The Thames.
3) A double-decker is _______.a)a train; b)a small plane; c)abus; d) a hotel room for two people.
4) The Tower of London was _______.a)a royal residence ; b)a prison; c)a museum; d) a burial place.
2).Вставьте пропущенные слова в пословицы.
1)Promise ______, do much.
2) ______is better than cure.
3) Custom is ______nature.
4) He that steals the egg will steal an ______.
5) It’s better to be silent and be thought a ______ , than to speak up and remove all doubt