Описание любой птици ** Английском языке.Помогите плиз!))

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Описание любой птици на Английском языке.Помогите плиз!))

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 32 просмотров
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Big tit quite beautiful bird. The back side of the yellow-green, yellow underparts with a wide black strip along the chest and belly (of Tits Central Asia spin bluish-grey and yellow abdominal side replaced by white). The upper side of the head, sides of the neck, throat and contiguous part of goiter shiny black with a bluish steel flash, sides of the head are white. Wing is grayish-blue color with light transversal stripe. Tail blackish with a bluish tinge. Great tit - one of the largest representatives of the family of its body length 130-165 mm, weight of about 20

(18 баллов)