Вставьте в пропуски глагол to be в Present, Past, Future
Indefinite (Simple).
1. Where ... your
children now? - They ... at school. 2. I ... at the institute yesterday, but I
... not ... there tomorrow. 3. Jack ... a doctor when he grows up. 4. Where ...
you last week? - I ... in the country. 5. Jack ... in Moscow last year, but now
he ... in St Petersburg.
2. Поставьте
подчеркнутые существительные в форму множественного числа, если это возможно,
сделав все необходимые изменения в предложениях.
1 .That is a goose. 2. When I was in the
farmyard yesterday, I saw a sheep. 3. That city is not far from
Moscow. 4. There was a woman in the hall. 5. This lady is that, gentleman's