Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами и переве-переведите ** русский...

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Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами и переве-
переведите на русский язык:
1. While we were crossing the bridge, we saw D., who was talking
with an old man. 2. As we were very tired, we refused to go for a walk. 3. As the
boys had climbed the mountains the summer before, they understood the difficulties.
4. A large branch, which had been broken by the wind, lay across the road. 5. At
a conference of the Academy of Sciences, which is now being held in Moscow, a
number of important scientific problems are being discussed. 6. When he crossed the
bridge, he saw a small village, which was situated at the foot of a hill. 7. I'll show
you the article which has been written by my brother. 8. As he had been taught
English by a good teacher, he knew the English language well. 9. The moon wa3
invisible as it was hidden by a cloud. 10. As they had been warned that the rivtr
was rising rapidly, they turned back.
Переведите предложения на русский язык. Замените причастные обсро~
ты придаточными предложениями:
1. A person bringing good news is always welcome. 2. While skating yesterday he fell and hurt himself. 3. Having lived in that town all his life, he knew it very
well. 4. She showed the travellers into the room reserved for them. 5. Having
arranged everything, he went home by the 10. 30 train. 6. The bridge seized by the
enemy the day before was re-taken by our troops. 7. When writing a telegram we
must use as few words as possible. 8. Having been three times seriously wounded,
he was no longer fit for active service. 9. Being told of his arrival, I went to see
him. 10. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn. 11. Books read in
childhood seem like old friends.

Английский язык (24 баллов) | 250 просмотров
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1. crossing the bridge, we saw D.,  talking with an old man. перейдя мост мы увидели Д., который разговаривал со стариком.  2. Being very tired, we refused to go for a walk. Будучи очень уставшими, мы отказались от прогулки 3. having climbed the mountains the summer before, the boys understood the difficulties.Уже побывав на той горе предыдущим летом, парни понимали все трудности. 4. A large branch broken by the wind, lay across the road. Большая ветка, сломанная ветром, лежала поперек дороги.5. At a conference of the Academy of Sciences held in Moscow, a number of important scientific problems are being discussed. На конференции в Академии наук, проходящей в Москве, обсуждается множество важных научных проблем. 6. crossing the bridge, he saw a small village situated at the foot of a hill.Перейдя мост , он увидел деревушку, расположенную у основания горы. 7. Я покажу тебе статью написанную моим братом.I'll show you the article written by my brother. 8. Обучаясь английскому у хорошего учителя он знал его очень хорошо.being taught English by a good teacher, he knew the English language well. 9. Луна была не видна, спрятаная облаком. The moon was invisible hidden by a cloud. 10. предупрежденный о быстром подъеме реки, они повернули назад. being warned that the river was rising rapidly, they turned back.
Переведите предложения на русский язык. Замените причастные обсро~
ты придаточными предложениями:
1. A person bringing good news is always welcome.Человек, приносящий добрые вести, всегда к месту 2. While skating yesterday he fell and hurt himself.Катаясь вчера на коньках, он упал и поранился. 3. Прожив в городе всю свою жизнь, он знал его очень хорошо.Having lived in that town all his life, he knew it very well. 4.Она провела путешественников в приготовленную для них комнату. She showed the travellers into the room reserved for them. 5. Устроив все как надо, он добрался домой только на поезде 10.30. Having arranged everything, he went home by the 10. 30 train. 6.Мост, занятый врагами днем ранеебыл отбит нашими войсками. The bridge seized by the enemy the day before was re-taken by our troops. 7. Сочиняя телеграмму, мы должны  использовать как можно меньше слов. When writing a telegram we must use as few words as possible. 8. Будучи серьёзно раненым три раза, он больше был не годен для активной службы.  Having been three times seriously wounded, he was no longer fit for active service. 9.Предупрежденный о его приезде, я отправился встречать его. Being told of his arrival, I went to see him. 10. Листья, лежащие на земле, напоминали нам об осени. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn. 11. книги, прочитанные в детстве, кажутся старыми друзьями. Books read in childhood seem like old friends.

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