1. Wealth must find time to spend on good deeds. Ashamed to die rich - must find time during the life spend money on good deeds - thought American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and multimillionaire. This view is shared by many in the West - private charity there something common and honorable, wealthy people are often a significant part of the capital transferred to charities and heirs leaving only the necessary "living wage." In the U.S. and Western Europe created more than 10,000 private foundations. Two-thirds of them are created with funds left by will.
In Russia, for charity are yet wary: most citizens know little about real assistance provided by charities, and do not believe that they sent the money will reach those who need them. In addition, the charity on a large scale - it awkward and sometimes even dangerous: first, we have to pay additional taxes, and, secondly, such generosity can cause an unhealthy interest in the state and the tax authorities. So if we have a corporate charity has already become usual phenomenon and even almost mandatory, the private - is much less prevalent than in the West, and it is often anonymous. However, in our country, individuals and even entire families accept any problems so close to the heart, even decided on the creation of special funds for their solution.