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Last years, sport became more popular. In our city, as more and more people prefer to play, what плохопривычки. Many people visit the center of fitness and floating store.Anybody brought over to at run, riding a bicycle. In winter, most people I search тдревесины, to carry out ski sport. And attack rolling on skates on a stadium. Since in the winter of длинныйУрал, so going for skis and skating are most popular in our city.Sport does very good and useful. Впервое place, because sport is our life, she helps us not only идвигайтесь sit and live. We conduct plenty of time before a computer and TV, мыпродолжайтесь transport. So I think that it must do sport all from маленькогок to the elderly people. Sport and improves a health mood. It is activity, чтозанимает your spare time; also you can meet new people.Sport for me is all life, success of ивсе yet I do volley-ball only. And because I prefer winters (Вот так)