Помогите нужно поставить в правильную форму USE THE VERBS IN THE APPROPRIATE TENSE...

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70 просмотров
Помогите нужно поставить в правильную форму USE THE VERBS IN THE APPROPRIATE TENSE (ACTIVE OR PASSIVE)
4.if people had no internet,they..........live more/(COMMUNICATE)
5.Dont you think he........too addictedto the computer?(BECOME)
6.You never know what kind of people may get to it and how it can........by them.(USE)
7.The Internet......in the twentieth century.(INVENT)

Английский язык (66 баллов) | 70 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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4) would communicate
5) is becoming
6)  be used
7) was invented

(46 баллов)