пожалуйста переведите ** английский )) Шотландская система образования завоевала...

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пожалуйста переведите на английский )) Шотландская система образования завоевала международную репутацию своим качеством, широтой знаний и надежностью. По статистике Шотландия является одной из самых образованных стран мира. Каждый второй молодой шотландец поступает в высшие учебные заведения. Каждая школа самостоятельно разрабатывает свой учебный план в соответствии с требованиями Шотландского департамента образования и индустрии (SOEID). С 5 до 12 лет дети посещают начальную школу (primary school). Там изучают основы чтения, письма, математики.Оценки варьируются от А до Е. В 12 лет переходят в среднюю школу (secondary school). В 15 лет школьники сдают экзамены на общее свидетельство о среднем образовании Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE Standard Grade). После этого ученик может либо перейти в колледж дальнейшего образования, либо продолжить обучение в школе с целью получения аттестата высшей ступени (Higher Grade). Для этого надо проучиться с 16 до 18 лет и сдать экзамены по 5 или 6 предметам. Этого аттестата достаточно, чтобы поступать в шотландские вузы.

Английский язык (45 баллов) | 63 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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The Scottish education system has gained an international reputation for quality, reliability and breadth of knowledge. According to statistics, Scotland is one of the most educated countries in the world. Every second young Scot goes to higher education. Each school develops its own curriculum in accordance with the requirements of the Scottish Education Department and the industry (SOEID). From 5 to 12 years, children in primary school (primary school). There learn the basics of reading, writing, mats. Assessment range from A to E. At 12, go to high school (secondary school). In 15 years, students take exams at the General Certificate of Secondary Education Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE Standard Grade). After that, the student can go to college or further education, or to continue their studies at the school in order to earn a diploma higher level (Higher Grade). For this we need to learn from 16 to 18 years old and pass exams on 5 or 6 subjects. This certificate is enough to do in the Scottish universities.

(259 баллов)
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The Scottish education system has gained an international reputation for their quality, breadth of knowledge and reliability. According to statistics Scotland is one of the most educated countries in the world. Every second young Scot is received in the higher educational institutions. Each school develops its own their own curriculum in accordance with the requirements of the Scottish education Department and industry (SOEID). From 5 to 12 years children go to elementary school (primary school). There learn the basics of reading, writing, математики.Оценки range from A to E. In the 12 years pass in high school (secondary school). In 15 years, students sit the examinations for the General certificate of secondary education Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE Standard Grade). After that the student can either go to a College of further education, or to continue studying at school with the purpose of obtaining the certificate of the highest level (Higher Grade). For this we need to study from 16 to 18 years and to pass examinations on 5 or 6 subjects. This certificate is enough to do in Scottish universities.

(38 баллов)