One day Alice went on a trip to the country, and when she had walked about and played much ,she fell asleep under a tree.Suddenly she saw Rabbit , that was running along with a large watch in his hand . He is soelegant he must be going to a party , thought Alice. I will go with his!Alice followed the Rabbit that ran and ran until he came to a hollow tree "that he entered ,and Alice without thinking went in after his .Down and down she fell...At last she came to a beautiful garden where the flower spoke to her .Have you seen a Rabbit round here & asker Alice .No said the flowers.Alice continued her journey through Wonderland .on her way , she was invited to take tea with the Mad Hatter and The March Hare .Would you like some dought-nuts , little gils? Asked the Mad Hatter.Although she asked lots of questions , Alice did not find the Rabbit.Then suddenly ,she saw him running in the distance and set off after him.This time he will not get away! She thought .Alice followed the Rabit and arrived at a strange gathering where there was a Queen ofHearts , and there too was the Rabbit , looking at her in alarm .The Queen said in a very loud voice , We shall have to change this little girl into a playingcard !And then she added Seize her !Alice was terrified when she heard those words then …shewoke up ! It had all been a dream ! To her surprise she found she was still in the placewhere she had fallen asleep.
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