1 My uncle ___ a yacht last week. A did buy B bought C buyed 2 She ___ French when she...

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540 просмотров
1 My uncle ___ a yacht last week.

A did buy B bought C buyed

2 She ___ French when she was at school.

A study B did study C studied

3 I ___ the bills last month.

A didn’t pay B didn’t paid C payed

4 ___ a new TV program yesterday?

A Watched you B Did you watch C Did you watched

5 It was my brother’s birthday on Sunday, so I ___ him a postcard.

A sent B send C sended

6 We ___ last night due to the nasty weather.

A didn’t went out B did go out C didn’t go out

7 Who ___ the first airplane?

A did invented B did invent C invented

8 My grandfather ___ violin very well when he was young.

A can play B could play C could played

9 We ___ a lot last year.

A did travel B travelled C did travelled

10 When ___ Maria?

A did you last see B did you last saw C you last saw

11 We ___ to sell our old house and buy a new one.

A did decide B did decided C decided

12 I ___ when I was getting off the bus.

A slipped B sliped C did slip

13 How much time ___ in Germany last month?

A did you spend B did you spent C did you spended

14 John was so thirsty that he ___ two glasses of water.

A drink B drank C drinked

15 It was hot, so I ___ the window.

A did open B open C opened

16 Sandra ___ her English exam successfully yesterday.

A passed B pased C did pass

17 When ___ your new garage?

A did you built B did you build C you built

18 The film was boring. I ___ it.

A enjoy B didn’t enjoyed C didn’t enjoy

19 Nobody ___ while we were having dinner.

A didn’t phone B phoned C did phone

20 We ___ a nice time at seaside last summer.

A had B did have C haved

21 My dad ___ when he was little.

A didn’t smoked B not smoked C didn’t smoke

22 ___ any museums when you were in England?

A Visited you B Did you visited C Did you visit

23 Rosa was sleeping when somebody ___ on the door.

A did knock B knocked C did knocked

24 My mother was very tired, so she ___ to bed early last night.

A went B go C did go

25 He never ___ long distances when he was a child.

A runned B ran C didn’t run

Английский язык (26 баллов) | 540 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. c
8. b
9. b
10. a
11. c
12. a
13. a
14. b
15. c
16. a
17. b
18. c
19. b
20. a
21. c
22. c
23. b
24. a
25. b

(196k баллов)