Did technology become such greater part of your life, that existing without him now seems impossible ? Answering this question, many would answer and I fully agree with their opinion, because it is very important presently, to have the opportunity quickly to contact with a man.I, in turn, no longer can live without the Internet. Work of computer occupies greater part of my time.Due to a computer I can read books, get necessary information for me, to play games, also I can quickly intermingle with people and continue to communicate in the Internet .For the milliards of people in the whole world, the Internet became an important component them every daysocial and business-lives. The internet simplifies life of people considerably. To the people not necessarily to go to the library after a book, because we can read her in the internet.To the people not necessarily to buy compact disks with favourite music, because we also can listen her in the internet.Certainly, working it in a great deal blights with a computer