Рассказ о Уильяме Тернере ** английском?

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Рассказ о Уильяме Тернере на английском?

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 75 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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William Shakespeare was born in April 1564. His father was a rich citizen whose business was making and selling leather gloves. His mother was the daughter of an important farmer. When he was nineteen, William married Anne. She was a farmer's daughter and she was some years older than himself. During that years he may have helped his father in the f amilybusiness or he may have been a country schoolmaster for a time, we don't know exactly. Shakespeare had three children: Susannah, the eldest, then twins - a son, Hamnet, and another girl, Judith. In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London, leaving Anne and the children at home.

(65 баллов)
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William Turner, a great romantic English landscape painter, was born in Devonshire in 1775. He lived with his uncle in Middlesex, where he began to attend school. His first drawings are dated 1787, when he was only twelve years of age. His childish sketch-books, filled with drawings, are still preserved in the British Museum. Уильям Тернер, великий английский художник-пейза­жист эпохи романтизма, родился в Девоншире в 1775 году. Он жил со своим дядей в Миддлсексе, где и начал ходить в школу. Его первые рисунки датируются  1787 годом, когда ему было всего 12 лет. Его детские альбомы с зарисовками и сейчас находятся в Британском музее. When he was 21, he began to exhibit oil paintings as well as water-colours at the Royal Academy. The first, "Fishermen at Sea" is now in the Gate Gallery. He traveled much in France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. But he never lost his interest in his own country. As a landscape painter Turner was interested mainly in light and colour effects. One of his famous paintings is even called "Light and Colour". His work is high praised by great critics. Когда ему исполнился 21 год, он начал выставлять кар­тины, написанные масляными красками, равно как и аква­рели в Королевской Академии. Первая, "Рыбаки на море", сейчас находится в Гейт-гэллери. Он много путешествовал по Франции, Германии, Швей­царии и Италии. Но он никогда не терял интереса к своей родной стране. Как пейзажист, Тернер больше всего интересовался све­товыми и цветовыми эффектами. Одна из его знаменитых картин так и называется - "Свет и цвет". Его работы были по достоинству оценены известными критиками.
(359 баллов)