По одному предложению, для каждого времени: Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past...

0 голосов
56 просмотров

По одному предложению, для каждого времени:
Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Continuous
Future Perfect
Future Perfect Continuous

Английский язык (877 баллов) | 56 просмотров

я просто эти времена плохо знаю

Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

Past Perfect - He had gone away.
Present Perfect Continious - I have been waiting for you ror 2 hours.
Past Perfect Continious - He had been working about 4 hours before you rang him up.
Future Continious - Tomorrow at 5 p.m. I will be listening to the hit-parade on the radio/
Future Perfect - My mum will have celebrated her birthday before i return from the buisness trip.
Future Perfect Continious - By the end of this year I will have been studying in the institut for all 5 years. Если нужен перевод, напиши в комменты.

(178 баллов)



Он ушел


это первое


2. Я жду тебя уже два часа. 3. Он проработал 4 часа до того, как вы позвонили. 4. Завтра в пять вечера я буду слушать хит-парад по радио. 5. Мама отпразднует день рождения до моего возвращения из командировки. 6. К концу года я отучусь в институте все 5 лет.



0 голосов

Past Perfect - She had translated the text by 6 o'clock yesterday.
Present Perfect Continuous - We have been cleaning the flat since the morning.
Past Perfect Continuous - I had been watching TV for two hours when my parents came home yesterday.
Future Continuous - My sister will be helping our mum at this time tomorrow.
Future Perfect - Ann will have done shopping by the noon tomorrow.
Future Perfect Continuous - I will have been watching TV for two hours when my parents come home tomorrow.

(19 баллов)