My brother didn't like loud music when he was young and he still doesn't like it.My...

0 голосов
116 просмотров
My brother didn't like loud music when he was young and he still doesn't like it.
My brother ? loud music.
3My parents bought this house when they got married and they still live here.
My parents ? in the same house.
4My sister has never had a different hairstyle.
My sister ? the same hairstyle.
5I didn't enjoy computer games when I was young and I still don't.
I ? computer games.
6I have wanted a pet dog all my life.
I ? a pet dog.
Где вопросы там должны быть слова.

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 116 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1. didn't like или disliked, или don't like, или dislikes   2. live   3. has have или has   4. didn't enjoy или don't enjoy   5. have wanted или want

(5.9k баллов)
0 голосов

My brother dislikes loud music.
My parents live in the same house.
My sister doesn't have the same hairstyle.
I don't like computer games.

(18 баллов)

I want a pet dog.