Library of Congress (Eng. The Library of Congress) - U.S. National Library , the largest library in the world . [1] Located in Washington. Is a research library of the U.S. Congress , serving government
agencies , research institutions , academia, private firms and
industrial companies , schools.
Special Branch Library of Congress engaged in registration of copyright ( copyright ) . Contents
copyright is possible on the Internet, filling in the appropriate form
on the website Libraries Kongressa.Osnovana January 26, 1802 , when U.S.
President John Adams (John Adams) signed into law on the transfer of
the nation's capital from Philadelphia to Washington (Washington). Among
other things , this law also contained an item on the 5000 allocation
of $ (then a very large sum ) " for the purchase of books that may be
needed to Congress , and the establishment of appropriate facilities to
store them ." He
defined the rules for the library , according to which her visit and
access to resources received only the president and vice -president of
the United States , members of the U.S. Senate and House of
Representatives ( Congress ) . Therefore, the library and began to call - " Library of Congress "