Плиз помогите!!Present Simple Past Simple. Упражнение 1В данном задании необходимо...

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Плиз помогите!!Present Simple Past Simple. Упражнение 1В данном задании необходимо выбрать подходящее время (Present или Past) глагола в зависимости от контекста и слов-маркеров, которые помогут определить наиболее подходящий вариант.He … (go) to Africa in 1995 and he … (like) that trip very much.My sister usually … (like) her steak well-done.The cat … (eat) its toy last evening.The doctor … (talk) to his patient on Monday morning.… they … (have) a test last month?I often … (see) his brother but he never … (speak) to me.The director … (speak) to the employees three hours ago.The man … (domesticate) the dog many years ago.My friend … (spend) a lot of money every day.The woman … (drive) to the shop last Sunday.My parents … (leave) for Paris last Thursday.His brother … (leave) for Tokyo every August.I don’t like my boss because he often … (raise) voice at me.Her mother never … (drink).The cat usually … (leave) its house when it’s thirsty or hungry.Present Simple Past Simple. Упражнение 2Задание, идентичное предыдущему. При его выполнении обратите особое внимание на слова-маркеры (сигнальные слова), которые помогут вам сделать правильный выбор между Present и Past.Every day Peter … (clean) his room.Yesterday Peter … (wash) the dishes.Ann and Mary usually … (help) their parents.The pupils of our class … (rake) all the leaves last autumn.Most of the families … (take) out their trash every week.Children … (wash) the windows today.My grandmother always … (prepare) the breakfast.Kate … (fold) the laundry two weeks ago.We … (decorate) our house every winter.Last Christmas she … (cook) a tasty Yule log.My mother … (work) in the garden every spring.These boys … (study) at school.Children … (love) their parents.My father … (make) a surprise for my last birthday.My mother … (make) a surprise for my birthday every year.Christina … (mop) the floor in her flat every Monday.We … (water) the flowers two days ago.Children … (like) to play in the yard.Bob … (promise) to give up smoking two months ago.Peter’s father … (work) in the hospital.

Английский язык (19 баллов) | 47 просмотров
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Went, liked, likes, ate, talked, Did they have, see, speaks, spoke, domesticated, spends, drove, left, leaves, raises, drinks, leaves, cleans, washed, help, raked (не уверена), take, washed, prepares, folded, decorate, cooked, works, study, love, made, mops, watered, like, promised, works

(5.9k баллов)