1. My friend …(live) in London every summer. 2.You often …(go) for a walk.3. Yesterday...

0 голосов
150 просмотров
1. My friend …(live) in London every summer.
2.You often …(go) for a walk.3. Yesterday Ann …(watch) TV.
4. Tomorrow I … (read) an interesting book.
5. He …(work) at school last year
6. We … (visit) Moscow next week.

1.Alice always come home at 3 p.m.
2. Does you speak English ?
3. My grandma doesn’t watch TV yesterday.
4. Did your cat jumped high?
5. I listened to the music every day.

Английский язык | 150 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ
1. My friend lives in London every summer.
 2.You often go for a walk.
3. Yesterday Ann watched TV.
4. Tomorrow I wil read an interesting book.
5. He worked at school last year
6. We will visit Moscow next week.

 1.Alice always comes home at 3 p.m.
2. Do you speak English ?
3. My grandma didn't watch TV yesterday.
4. Did your cat jump high?
5. I listen to the music every day.

(5.2k баллов)