Поставьте глагол в Present Indefinite,Present Continuous,Past Indefinite или Past...

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153 просмотров

Поставьте глагол в Present Indefinite,Present Continuous,Past Indefinite или Past Continuous
1) When Ken arrived we (to have)dinner.
2) I saw the films,but i(not to enjoy)it.
3) My mother(not to drink)coffee very often.
4) Kate (to phone)me last night.
5) I (not to work)at the moment.
6) When it (to start)raining?
7) Your brother (smoke)?-No,he (to give)it up.
8) Its a very old bicycle.When you (to buy)it?
9) What time the train (to arrive)?
10) What you (to think)about my plan?
11) I saw an accident when i (to go) home.
12) It (to get)dark when i left their house.
13) At 6 oclock yesteday i (to have)dinner with my friends.
14) The police (to stop)me on may to the office yesterday.
15) Listen to these people.What language they(to speak)?
16) The river Neva(to flow)into the Baltic Sea.

Английский язык (40 баллов) | 153 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

1. were having
2. didn't enjoy
3. doesn't drink
4. phoned
5. am not working
6.When  did it start raining
7. does your brother smoke? he gave it up
8. When did you buy it?
 9. What time does the train arrive?
10. What doyou think about...
11. when I was going home
12. It was getting dark...
13. I was having dinner
14. stopped
15. What languageare they speaking?
16. flows

(494 баллов)



а можете объяснить а как это делается)


Могу, но здесь целых 4 правила!


а каких если не сложно сказать))


Как образовываются эти времена знаешь?


Present Indefinite,Present Continuous,Past Indefinite и Past Continuous?

