5. Впишите в пропуски глаголы в правильной форме, используя Past Simple, Past Perfect,...

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200 просмотров

5. Впишите в пропуски глаголы в правильной форме,
используя Past Simple, Past Perfect, Past Continuous:
For Steve that morning was the same as before. He 1) _______
(get up), 2)_______(brush) his teeth, 3) ______ (have) breakfast
and 4) _____ (go) to school. While he 5) _________ (walk) along
the street he 6) _________ (remember) the quarrel they 7)
________ (have) the day before. His mother was right. He 8)
_______(never help) her with the housework or shopping. She
9) _______ (have to) work and look after his younger brother
Ben. By the time Ben 10) ________ (be born) his parents 11)
_______ (divorce).
“This day will be different”, he 12) _______ (think). Before he
13) _____ (take) Ben from the kindergarten he 14) _________
(wash up) and 15) ________ (take out) the rubbish. He 16) _______
(want) to help his mother because he 17) ________ (never do)
that before. By 7 o’clock he 18) _______ (finish) his biology
project and 19) _______ (get down) to the essay their English
teacher 20) _________ (give) them a week before.
When his mother 21) ______ (come) in he 22) ________(cook)
dinner for the family and Ben 23) _____(play) with his favourite
toy car. “Now I’ve got a man to rely on”, she 23) _____(say) and
24) ______(smile).

Английский язык (76 баллов) | 200 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

1 - got up, 2 - brushed,  3- had, 4 - went, 5 - was walking, 6 remembered, 7 - had, 8 -never helps, 9 - has to, 10 - was born, 11- had divorced, 12 - he thought, 13 - took, 14- had washed up, 15 -and had taken out, 16 - wanted, 17 - had never done, 18 - has finished, 
19 -  has got down, 20 - had given, 21- came, 22- was cooking, 23 - was playing, 24 - said, 
25 - smiled

(132 баллов)