СРОЧНО!!! СРОЧНО!!! СРОЧНО!!! Посмотри на фотографии двух девочек-близнецов (Helen и Betsy). Найди четыре отличия в их одежде. Запиши их. Example: Betsy has a red T-shirt on. But Helen has ... on.
Helen has a flower, but Betsy has an umbrella. Helen has a blue cap, but Betsy has a red cap. Helen has a red T-shirt on, but Betsy as a green T-shirt on. Helen has a black shoes on, but Betsy hs a blue shoes on.
Bestsy has umbrella to hand. but helen has a flower to hand. bestsy has a green singlet. but helen has a red singlet. bestsy has a blue boots. but helen has a brown boots