Раскройте скобки , заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами( причастие,...

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139 просмотров

Раскройте скобки , заполнив пропуски нужными грамматическими формами( причастие, герундий, инфинитив, мод. глаголы)

1.-Dont you hate ... (not/know) anyone here?

-Yes, i get very lonely, but i hate....(Worry) my parents so i tell them i ... (make) a lot of friends here.

2. It looks as if this light .... (burn) all night. I must ...(forget) (switch) it off before i ...(go) to bed last night.

3.Julia... ( always/want) to be famous, ever since she was young. She.... (take) acting classes for years and last week someone.... (offer) her part in an advertisment. They only... (need) her voice, though, because its going to be on the radio. At least her career....(start).

4. We ... (frequently/tell) thesedays that we should ... (eat) more vegetables as part of a healthy diet.

5. - Joan was really upset when she found out that someone... (tell) Alan about the surprise birthday party she gave him last night. She thinks Joe told him.

6. The work on the house...(finish) before the newly-weds return from their honeymoon.

7. Good news! I... (ask) to take over as the new managing director.

8.He remembered... (pass) on most of the information, but failed ... (mention) one or two of the most important facts.

Английский язык (49 баллов) | 139 просмотров
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1. - Don't you hate to not know anyone here? - Yes, I get very lonely, but I hate to worry my parents so I tell them to make a lot of friends here. 2. It looks as if this light has been burning all night. I must have forgotten to switch it off before I went to bed  last night. 3. Julia has always wanted to be famous, ever since she was young. She has been taking acting classes for years and last week someone offered her part in an advertisment. They only needed her voice, though, because it's going to be on the radio. At least her career has started. 4. We are frequently told these days that we should eat more vegetables as part of a healthy diet. 5. - Joan was really upset when she found out that someone had told Alan about the surprise birthday party she gave him last night. She thinks Joe told him. 6. The work on the house wiil be finished before the newly-weds return from their honeymoon. 7. Good news! I have been asked to take over as the new managing director. 8. He remembered to pass on most of the information, but failed to mention one or two of the most important facts.

(542k баллов)