Как произносится? Wrdthci. The weather Is a subject we can always talk about, It often...

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Как произносится? Wrdthci. The weather Is a subject we can always talk about, It often chenRes and brings cold and heat, sunshine and rain. frost and snow. One day Is often uiilikr the nrxt. In lummcr the sun shines, often there is no wind and there are no cloudb lii tin1 sky which Is blue and beautiful. We can see stars and the moon at night and people like walks, outdoor games and sports in the fresh air. When autumn comes, the days become shorter and colder. It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain with them. Sometimes there is heavy rain, so that an umbrella or ii r.iiticojt ib iiccessdry if wo don t want to get wet through. Then you can hear people say, "What bad weatherl When Is this rain going to stop?" Many people then catch cold and must go to bed.Then a fire at home Is so pleasant. At last frost and snow come. Fields, forests and houses are covered with snow and rivers and lakes with Ice. But spring again brings sunshine and warm winds. Sometimes It snows but snow will not remain long, it will melt in the warm sun. Spring will bring bright sunshine, green grass and flowers. We usually say: "A nice day", "Not a bad day" or "It's nice weather for the time of the year" if the weather is fine, We can say: "It looks like rain", "It looks like snow" of "It's bad weather" when the weather is bad.

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Зэ ˈуэзэр из э ˈсабджикт уи кэн ˈолуэйз ток эˈбaут, ит ˈофэн chenRes энд бринз коулд энд хит, ˈсаншайн эндрейн. фрост энд 
сноу. уан дей из ˈофэн uiilikr зэ nrxt. ин lummcr зэ сан шайнз, ˈофэн зеэр из ноу уинд энд зеэр а ноу cloudb lii тин1 скай уичиз блу энд ˈбьютэфул. уи кэн си стаз энд зэ мун эт найт энд ˈпипл лайк уокс, ˈaутдо геймз энд спотс ин зэ фреш еэ. уэнˈотэм камз, зэ дейз биˈкам ˈшотэр энд ˈкоулдэ. ит гетс дак ˈёлиэр энд ˈофэн ˈхеви клaудз ˈкавэ зэ скай ˈбринин рейн уиззем. ˈсамтаймз зеэр из ˈхеви рейн, соу зэт эн амˈбрелэ о iiр а.iiticojt ib iiccessdry иф уоу дон ти уонт ту гет уэт сру. зен ю кэнхиэ ˈпипл сей, "уот бэд weatherl уэн из зис рейн ˈгоуин ту стоп?" ˈмени ˈпипл зен кэч коулд энд маст гоу ту бед.зен эˈфайэр эт хоум из соу ˈплезнт. эт ласт фрост энд сноу кам. филдз, ˈфористс энд ˈхaузиз а ˈкавэд уиз сноу энд ˈривэз эндлейкс уиз айс. бат сприн эˈген бринз ˈсаншайн энд уом уиндз. ˈсамтаймз ит сноуз бат сноу уил нот риˈмейн лон, ит уилмелт ин зэ уом сан. сприн уил брин брайт ˈсаншайн, грин грас энд ˈфлaуэз. уи ˈюжуэли сей: "э найс дей", "нот э бэддей" о "итс найс ˈуэзэ фо зэ тайм ов зэ йиэ" иф зэ ˈуэзэр из файн, уи кэн сей: "ит лукс лайк рейн", "ит лукс лайксноу" ов "итс бэд ˈуэзэ" уэн зэ ˈуэзэр из бэд.

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