Нужно перевести текст с руссокого ** английский. Я бы перевела его сама, но боюсь, что не...

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Нужно перевести текст с руссокого на английский. Я бы перевела его сама, но боюсь, что не сделаю чего-то правильно :С Это сочинение. Помогите пожалуйста, это очень срочно.. Заранее спасибо!

"...Обычно говорят, что людям чаще всего снится то, о чем они больше и чаще всего думают.
Жил был мальчик-подросток, его звали Найл. он любил фотографировать людей и увлекался историей фотографии. Найл знал много разных известных фотографоф, но самый любимый из них был Стив МакКарри – один из самых лучших фотографоф мира. Он исвестен своими портретами. Найл мечтал его увидеть и знал, что скоро в городе неподалеку будет его семинар, посвещенный фотографии.. Но родители не разрешили ему поехать из-за каких-то не понятных причин. Найл растроился очень сильно, но продолжал думать об семинаре любимого фотографа и представлять, как бы он поехал на семинар… Последний день перед лекцией. Найлу очень обидно, потому что его родители никак не хотели отпускать его.
Перед сном мальчик лежал и думал, вспоминал фотографии Стива МакКарри. И медленно проволился в сон..
..Ночью ему снилось, как он едет в Лондон на лекцию Фотографа Стива МакКарри. Вот, Найл заходит в зал, садится на свое место, его переполняет радость.. И на сцену выходит Стив. Все люди в зале встали и заопладировали, Найл тоже. Стив заговорил, он рассказывал очень долго, но каждому в зале было интересно слушать его.
И тут Найл проснулся. Было уже утро, на улице светило солнце, и Найл сразу же вспомнил свой сон. Как бы он хотел, чтобы сон смог стать реальностью! Но мальчик знал, что этого уже не случится, по этому снова расстроился. Он оделся и пошел на кухню, где его родители уже закончали завтракать. Мама сказала Найлу, чтобы он подошел к ним - родители хотят сообщить ему что-то. Найл думал, что это будет какая-то очередная беседа по поводу его поведения иили чего-либо другого, но это оказалось не так. Единственное, что сказал папа, это «Сын, мы с мамой знаем, что ты очень хочешь поехать в Лондон..» И протянул ему билеты на лекцию Става МакКорри. Найл был очень рад, он обнял своих родителей и сказал им огромное спасибо, а через несколько часов он уже был в пути в Лондон, на лекцию, на которую так долго мечтал попасть.. С тех пор Найл всегда верил в свои сны..."

Английский язык (29 баллов) | 100 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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"... It is usually said that people often dream about what they are more and more often than people think.
There once was a teenage boy, his name was Niall. he liked to photograph people and was interested in the history of photography. Niall knew many different known fotografof, but the favorite of them was Steve McCurry - one of the best fotograf of world. He isvesten their portraits. Niall wanted to see him, and he knew that soon the city will close his workshop, devoted to photos .. But parents do not let him go not because of some obvious reasons. Niall rastroilsya very much, but kept thinking about the seminar and to submit your favorite photo, as if he went to a seminar ... The last day before the lecture. Niall is very disappointing, because his parents did not want to let him go.
Before going to sleep boy lay thinking, remembering pictures of Steve McCurry. And slowly wire to sleep ..
.. At night he dreamed he was going to London to lecture Photographer Steve McCurry. Here, Niall comes into the room, sits down on the place, it is filled with joy .. And Steve comes into play. All the people in the audience stood up and zaopladirovali, Niall too. Steve spoke, he spoke for a long time, but everyone in the room was interesting to listen to him.
Then Niall awake. It was morning, the sun was shining on the street, and Niall immediately remembered his dream. As much as he wanted to sleep could become a reality! But the boy knew that this can not happen again in this upset. He dressed and went to the kitchen, where his parents had breakfast will end. Mom told Niall that he walked up to them - parents want to tell him something. Niall thought it would be some regular conversation about his behavior and or anything else, but it was not. The only thing my father said, is "Son, my mother and I know that you really want to go to London .." and gave him tickets to a lecture Stava MakKorri. Niall was very happy, he hugged his parents and told them thank you, and a few hours later he was on the way to London for a lecture, which for so long wanted to get .. Since then, the Nile has always believed in my dreams ... "

(14 баллов)
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"... It is usually said that people often dream about what they are more and more often than people think.
There once was a teenage boy, his name was Niall. he liked to photograph people and was interested in the history of photography. Niall knew many different known fotografof, but the favorite of them was Steve McCurry - one of the best fotografof world. He isvesten their portraits. Niall wanted to see him, and he knew that soon the city will close his workshop, devoted to photos .. But parents do not let him go not because of some obvious reasons. Niall rastroilsya very much, but kept thinking about the seminar and to submit your favorite photo, as if he went to a seminar ... The last day before the lecture. Niall is very disappointing, because his parents did not want to let him go.
Before going to sleep boy lay thinking, remembering pictures of Steve McCurry. And slowly wire to sleep ..
.. At night he dreamed he was going to London to lecture Photographer Steve McCurry. Here, Niall comes into the room, sits down on the place, it is filled with joy .. And Steve comes into play. All the people in the audience stood up and zaopladirovali, Niall too. Steve spoke, he spoke for a long time, but everyone in the room was interesting to listen to him.
Then Niall awake. It was morning, the sun was shining on the street, and Niall immediately remembered his dream. As much as he wanted to sleep could become a reality! But the boy knew that this can not happen again in this upset. He dressed and went to the kitchen, where his parents had breakfast will end. Mom told Niall that he walked up to them - parents want to tell him something. Niall thought it would be some regular conversation about his behavior and or anything else, but it was not. The only thing my father said, is "Son, my mother and I know that you really want to go to London .." and gave him tickets to a lecture Stava MakKorri. Niall was very happy, he hugged his parents and told them thank you, and a few hours later he was on the way to London for a lecture, which for so long wanted to get .. Since then, the Nile has always believed in my dreams ... "

(75 баллов)