To my mind life in a large city is more comfortable than in the country or in a small town. Cities have good transportation facilities with many buses, trains, taxes or even subways. In
cities, we can go and watch a play performed in a theatre or a film in a cinema or we can watch operas or musicals, go to a cafe or a club. In cities you can find a job easier than it can do country people because the cities have
more diverse professions. So in cities, people have more various job opportunities. Living in the metropolis also provides plentiful opportunities, not only in career but also in studies.
There are a lot of different kinds of educational establishments. In the
country, it is hard to find the book they want to read, or the film they want
to watch. They do not have luxurious shops to buy different clothes but there are many big shopping centers in large cities. If you are ill you can go to a hospital with modern technological
devices. To conclude, the
city provides people with more optimal living conditions than the village. That's why most people live in cities and with every passing year more and more people living in the country leave their villages and move to cities.