Вставьте артикль 1. I bought ... new hat yesterday. ... shop-assistant said it was ......

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202 просмотров

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1. I bought ... new hat yesterday. ... shop-assistant said it was ... latest style. 2. I want to ask you to accompany rne to ... shop. I must buy ... dress. 3. Where did you buy this overcoat? — I bought it at ... big store in Nevsky Prospect on ... Tuesday. 4. My sister bought ... blue hat on ... Wednesday. ... colour suits her very nicely as she has got ... blue eyes. 5. I must buy ... pair of ... new gloves. 6. Where is ... shoe department? — It is on ... third floor, 7. I think ... coat is a little tight. 8. We came to ... big store to find out if we could have ... suit made to order. 9. I don't like ... hat you have chosen. ... colour is not becoming to you. 10. Here is ... department of ready-made clothes. Let's go in and see if we can buy ... nice pair of ... trousers for you. 11. I am going to give him ... tie as ... birthday present.

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 202 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ
1. I bought a new hat yesterday. The shop-assistant said it was the latest style.
2. I want to ask you to accompany me to the shop. I must buy a dress.
3. Where did you buy this overcoat? — I bought it at a big store in Nevsky Prospect on ---- Tuesday.
4. My sister bought a blue hat on ---- Wednesday. The colour suits her very nicely as she has got --- blue eyes.
5. I must buy a pair of --- new gloves.
6. Where is a shoe department? — It is on the third floor.
7. I think the coat is a little tight.
8. We came to a big store to find out if we could have a suit made to order.
9. I don't like the hat you have chosen. The colour is not becoming to you.
10. Here is the department of ready-made clothes. Let's go in and see if we can buy a nice pair of --- trousers for you.
11. I am going to give him a tie as a birthday present.
(568k баллов)
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1. I bought a new hat yesterday. The shop-assistant said it was the latest style. 2. I want to ask you to accompany me to the shop. I must buy a dress. 3. Where did you buy this overcoat? — I bought it at a big store in Nevsky Prospect on - Tuesday. 4. My sister bought a blue hat on - Wednesday. The colour suits her very nicely as she has got - blue eyes. 5. I must buy a pair of - new gloves. 6. Where is the shoe department? — It is on the third floor, 7. I think the coat is a little tight. 8. We came to a big store to find out if we could have a suit made to order. 9. I don't like the hat you have chosen. The colour is not becoming to you. 10. Here is the department of ready-made clothes. Let's go in and see if we can buy a nice pair of - trousers for you. 11. I am going to give him a tie as a birthday present.

(24.3k баллов)