Помогите пожалуйста 1. My ... brother lives in Astana. ( older, the older, old, elder,...

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87 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста
1. My ... brother lives in Astana. ( older, the older, old, elder, oldest )
2. There is ... in the bag. It's empty. ( nothing, somewhere, any, anyone, no )
3. My friends are telling me about ... work. ( they, their, them, him, our )
4. ... sister knows English? My sister does. ( when, who, what, whose, why )
5. I usually ... have dinner at home. ( do not, does not, do, am not, have not )
6. Passive Voice
The new house ... last year. ( build, built, was built, has built, will be built )
7. I think ... has taken my pen. Who was it? ( anybody, anything, something, somebody, nobody )
8. I love ... chocolate. ( eat, to eating, ate, eating, eaten )
9. Where is Nick? I ... him since Tuesday. ( did not see, don't see, haven't seen,I hadn't seen, will not see)
10. In the evening I like to sit ... the sofa ... my room. ( in, in. on, in. in, on. of, in. in, of. )
11. We haven't got ... sugar at home. ( some, no, many, any, a few )
12. Why have you stopped ... ( read, readed, to read, to reading, reading )
13. My elder brother looks like ... mother. ( other, hers, this, yours, my )
14. ... you ever ... to London? ( had/been, having/been, has/been, have/been, did/be )
15. Пословица. Books and friends ... ... ( like the present, too old to learn, too late too learn, should be few but good, than to go astray )
16. There ... some butter in the fridge. ( is, are, am, isn't, were )
17. Those photos on the table are ... .
( the mine, mine, our, their, my )
18. A new subject this year ... biology.
( am, are, is, does, do )
19. There ... a magazine and ten books on the table. ( is, are, were, be, am )
20. Hi, ... , nice to see you. ( come off, come down, come in, come at, come out )
21. Would you like to go to ... . ( the Kremlin, the Kremlins, Kremlin's, a Kremlin, Kremlin )
22. Americans like ... apple - pies. ( - , the, a, on, an )
23. He gave me ... book and ... cassette. ( the/a, -/a, the/the, an/the, a/a )
24. My friend is in interested ... studying mathematics. ( of, at, for, in, on )
25. Watch your mouth. ( stop talking, be careful, win the prize, don't tolerate more, don't turn the truth into a lie )
26. My grandmother's geese ... very big. ( are, be, am, is, was )
27. " It is" . ( the weather ... fine today, ... two pictures on the wall, ... five o'clock already, ... many theatres in our street, ... cold yesterday )
28. The conference began ... October. ( at, on, in, by, for )
29. Have you painted the picture ... ? ( already, yet, just, almost, ever )
30. Open ... books, please. ( his, your, our, their, her )

Английский язык (83 баллов) | 87 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

1. My ... brother lives in Astana. (elder)
2. There is ... in the bag. It's empty. (nothing)
3. My friends are telling me about ... work. (their)
4. ... sister knows English? My sister does. (whose)
5. I usually ... have dinner at home. (do not)
6. The new house ... last year. (was built)
7. I think ... has taken my pen. Who was it? (somebody)
8. I love ... chocolate. (eating)
9. Where is Nick? I ... him since Tuesday. (haven't seen)
10. In the evening I like to sit ... the sofa ... my room. (on, in)
11. We haven't got ... sugar at home. (any)
12. Why have you stopped ... ( reading )
13. My elder brother looks like ... mother. (my )
14. ... you ever ... to London? (have/been)
15. Books and friends ... ... (should be few but good)
16. There ... some butter in the fridge. ( is)
17. Those photos on the table are ... . (mine)
18. A new subject this year ... biology. (is)
19. There ... a magazine and ten books on the table. ( is)
20. Hi, ... , nice to see you. (come in)
21. Would you like to go to ... . ( the Kremlin)
22. Americans like ... apple-pies. ( - )
23. He gave me ... book and ... cassette. (a/a )
24. My friend is interested ... studying mathematics. (in)
25. НЕ ЗНАЮ Watch your mouth – Следи за языком. Не выражайся. (stop talking – молчать, перестаньте разговаривать, be careful – будь осторожен или внимателен, don't turn the truth into a lie – не ври)
26. My grandmother's geese ... very big. (are)
27. " It is" . (... five o'clock already)
28. The conference began ... October. (in)
29. Have you painted the picture ... ? (yet)
30. Open ... books, please. ( your)

(133k баллов)