In the Russian city of Sochi from February 7 to February 23, 2014. The International Olympic Games were held. There were 88 countries and 2800 athletes. On September 24, 2012, exactly in 500 days prior to start of the winter Olympic Games, Dmitry Chernyshenko called a slogan of the forthcoming competitions: "Hot. Winter. Yours" the Visual Image of the Olympic Games in Sochi is developed by the BOSCO.Церемония company of opening of games passed at Fisht stadium, having begun in February 7 at 20:14 Moscow time. The general duration of show made about three hours.
In Russia – for the first time for all history of the Olympic Movement – mascots of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi were chosen as national vote (the Leopard, Hare, the Polar Bear). Olympic torch relay began in Moscow on October 7, 2013 and ended in Sochi on February 7, 2014. According to representatives of the Organizing committee of the Olympic Games, relay had to become the most long for all history — 123 days — and the most extended — more than 40 thousand kilometers. Olympic flame was carried by through the capitals of all 83 subjects of the Russian Federation. Specially to Games of 2014 in Sochi modern sporting venues are under construction. They are built with application of advanced technologies of construction and environment protection. After end of the Olympic Games by tradition the winter Paralympic Games — 2014 were held.