Перефразируйте, употребив пассивную форму сказуемого (исполнителя действия можно не...

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Перефразируйте, употребив пассивную форму сказуемого (исполнителя
действия можно не указывать, если в этом нет необходимости), и переведите новые


We test each piece of

Each piece of

equipment very

is tested very carefully.
Каждый образец оборудования
очень тщательно.

1. Samuel Morse didn't actually invent the

2. People usually credit Morse with the
invention of the telegraph.

3. By 1838 Morse had developed his code.

4. He also introduced the daguerreotype, an
early form of photography.

5. Samuel Morse perfected the telegraph after
the twelve years of effort.

Английский язык (26 баллов) | 100 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ
1. The telegraph wasn't actually invented by Samuel Morse.
2. Morse is usually credited with the invention of the telegraph.
3. A code had been invented by Morse by 1838.
4. The daguerreotype, an early form of photography, was also introduced by him..
5. After the twelve years of effort
the telegraph was perfected by Samuel Morse.
(92.7k баллов)