Упр. 289. Переведите ** английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.1. Мы вчера...

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245 просмотров
Упр. 289. Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.
1. Мы вчера узнали, что она больна. 2. Он думал, что она не придет в школу. 3. Я знал, что моя сестра изучает французский язык, и думал, что она поедет в Париж. 4. Мне сказали, что ты мне звонил. 5. Я думал, что ты в Москве. 6. Я не знал, что ты уже вернулся в Санкт-Петербург. 7. Я боялся, что заблужусь в лесу. 8. Она знала, что мы никогда не видели ее картины. 9. Ученый был уверен, что найдет решение проблемы. 10. Я знал, что ты приехал в Санкт-Петербург, и полагал, что ты навестишь меня. 11. Мы не думали, что он так рассердится. 12. Мы надеялись, что поедем в Лондон. 13. Учитель сказал, что наши друзья прислали письмо из Лондона. 14. Она сказала, что ее подруга пригласила ее в театр. .15. Мы боялись, что не купим билета в театр. 16. Мы увидели, что дети играют в песке. 17. Она сказала, что больше не будет купаться, потому что вода холодная. 18. Мой дедушка сказал, что в молодости он любил кататься на коньках. 19. Моя двоюродная сестра сказала, что любит оперу и будет рада пойти с нами в театр, хотя уже дважды слушала "Травиату."

Английский язык (66 баллов) | 245 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

1. Yesterday we found out that she was ill. 
2. He believed she wouldn't come to school. 
3. I knew that my sister was studying French and thought that she'd go to Paris. 
4. I was told that you had rung me up. 
5. I thought you were in Moscow. 
6. I didn't know you had already come back to St. Petersburg. 
7. I was afraid I'd lose my way in the forest. 
8. She knew that we had never seen her pictures. 
9. The scientist was sure that he would find out the solution to this problem. 
10. I knew that you had come to St. Petersburg and supposed you would visit me. 
11. We didn't believe he would be so angry. 
12. We hoped we would go to London. 
13. The teacher said that our friends had sent a letter to us from London. 
14. She said that her friend had invited her to the theatre. 
15. We were afraid that we wouldn't buy a ticket to the theatre. 
16. We saw that the children were playing in the sand. 
17. She said she wouldn't bathe any more because the water was cold. 
18. My grandfather said he had liked skating in his young days. 
18. My cousin said she liked opera and she'd be happy to go to the theatre with us although she had already listened to "Traviata" twice.

(568k баллов)
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1. We learnt yesterday that she was ill.
2. He thought that she would not come to school.
3. I knew that my sister was studying French and thought that she would go to Paris.
4. I was told that you had rung me up.
5. I thought that you were in Moscow.
6.I did not know that you had already returned to St. Petersburg.
7. I was afraid that I would lose my way in the forest.
8. She knew that we had never seen her picture.
9. The scientist was sure that he would find the solution to (for) the problem.
10. I knew that you had come to St. Petersburg and supposed that you would visit me.
11. We did not think that he would be so angry.
12. We hoped that we would go to London.
13. The teacher said that our friends had sent a letter from London.
14. She said that her friend had invited her to the theatre.
15. We were afraid that we would not buy a ticket to the theatre.
16. We saw that the children were playing in the sand.
17. She said that she wouldn't bathe any more because the water was cold.
18. My grandfather said that he had liked skating in his young days.
18. My cousin said that she liked opera and would be glad to go to the theatre with us, although she had already listened to La Traviata twice.
(133k баллов)