Little Alice likes to listen to her Granny"s fairy tales.One evening Alice and her Granny sat on the sofa in their living room.Her Granny asked:"Alice,would you like to listen to my new fairy tale?" Alice answered : "I would like to". And her Granny began to tell.
Once upon a time there lived a little girl.She was very beautiful.Her eyes were blue.Her hair was black and long.She liked to put on red and white dresses."She is like me", - Alice said.And her Granny continued.
One day the girl went for a walk.Suddenly she saw seven women.Those ladies were seven days of the week.They came to the girl and began to ask her questions:
- Who made your breakfast on Mon?
- Who did the washing up on Tue?
- Who cooked your lunch on Wed?
- Who fed your cat on Thu?
-Who watered the flowers on Fri?
-Who cleaned the rooms on Sat?
And every time the girl answered: "It was my Mum","It was my Dad" or "It was my Granny".
At last there was the last question.Lady Sunday asked her: "Who played on Mon,Tuesday,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat and Sun?"And the girl had to answer: "It was me (I)".
Granny stopped for a moment.And Alice cried: "Oh,Granny,this fairy tale was about me! Now,I will help you". Alice stood up,brought Granny her slippers and went to water the