At lessons we practise reading, speech, письме. 2) You can consult with all new words? - It is final. I can remember twenty new words for однир time. 3. Do not use these old books, the new information about компьютерах. 4 is necessary to you. The word memorise is related to a word memory. 5. Before to go on a lesson, convince of that that you have put in a portfolio all необходимое. 6. What do you think concerning the new textbook? - TH нахжу its very useful. 7. In my opinion, it is very difficult to learn separate words, to learn them in a context much easier. 8. The average (usual) pupil can read and understand this text. 9. What old-fashioned expression!!!!Do not use it. 10. You are disappointed by results of the control? It is very a pity to me. But I think that you should practise the letter!!рооо