1-Timeliness and relevance of the consideration of the chosen topic is largely predetermined by the development in the Russian Federation market-oriented economy, which implies a high degree of legal means and methods of regulation of economic exchange.
2-Socio-economic development of society is always associated with a particular territory, so the study of spatial problems in its development has the same long history as the history of the social sciences. Study the spatial aspects of social development has been plenty of Sciences, is the geography and demography and sociology, ethnography, and even literature, OD-Nako exist special science that studies the regions of their development and interaction - Regional Science, or regionalism.
3- вопроса не очень понимаю
4-4 Traditionally divided into components: • labor; • capital; • land; • entrepreneurial skills; • information; specific form of information technology is; • Science
Earth (in the general sense - natural resources).
Capital (from Lat. Capitalis - chief, dominant, main [2] [p. 1]) - a set of property used for profit. Work - appropriate, conscious human activity aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society.