Ваш преподаватель утверждает, что у вас
или ваших друзей есть некоторые вещи.
Возразите ему.
Т. You've got any pen.
But I've got no pen of yours (hers, etc.).
You've got my new book. Let me have it! 2.
Your friend's got my photo. 3. This lawyer's got her papers. 4.
Jane's got my beautiful vase. Let her give it back to me. 5. You've
got all the files of mine.
Автор ошибся, употребляя слова some,
any, no в следующих предложениях. Помогите
ему правильно употребить их.
Have you got some nice flowers? 2.1 haven't got some water in this
bottle. 3. I've got no friends to help me. 4. Have you got some lazy
students in your group? 5. I've got any fresh flowers in this vase.
Вы хотели бы получить поддержку от ваших
друзей в ответ на то, что вы говорите.
Используйте разделительный вопрос в
своем высказывании.
Steve King is a lawyer, ...? 2. Nelly's got blue eyes, ...? 3. Pete
isn't a lawyer, ...? 4. Jane's so lovely, ...? 5. Nell's surname is
Pavlova, ...?
Автор очень рассеян. Он опять сомневается,
как правильно употребить some, any, the, a
(an). Помогите ему, пожалуйста.
His home's in ... old English city. 2. Eight о ' clock is ... good
time to get up on Sundays, isn ' t it? 3. Let's go and buy ... food.
4. I haven't got ... papers at home. They are at ...office. 5. I've
got ... lecture in ... theory of state and law .... subject is very