Очень прошу помочь.
Make the questions with you from the sentences.
1.I come from Australia. ( Where? )
2. I speak three languages. ( How many? )
3. I'm learning English because I need it for my job. ( Why? )
4. I've been to France, Germany, Sweden, and the United States. ( Which countries?)
5. I was born in Dublin in 1961. ( Where? When? )
6. I've been learning English for three years. ( How long? )
7. I have got 10$ in my pocket. ( How much? )
8. I went to the cinema last night. ( What? )
9. I'm wearning jeans and a jumper. ( What? )
Очень прошу помочь, то что знаете, напишите пожалуйста.